Common pitfalls when evaluating no-code software tools

How to improve the feedback loop between IT and business users. To see the full power of low-code, trade outdated, bloated development approaches for some key agile practices. Read this eBook for four common low-code pitfalls and how to rethink your approach.

low code applications pitfalls

The quick, no-fuss attributes of low-code tools let users build applications much more efficiently than with traditional development practices. As most organizations know well, developers are in short supply, and their time must be directed at the highest-priority projects. Other items, however useful they might be, are easy to put off. If it’s a suitable use case for low-code, use Excel/Google Sheets and forms. Anything more than that you are better off custom software development.

Understanding Low-Code vs. No-Code Platforms

One big security problem that can happen with low-code platforms is when one team creates an app that your IT department has no knowledge of. Shadow IT could refer to using personal devices over work ones or running data in programs without asking for permission first. It can lead to huge security risks for data via viruses or giving outside people access. Lets say a no/low code platform enables a sales team to build their own order management application that would save the development team a lot of time to work on other projects, unsuitable for such a tool. They’re the cheat code to getting custom software without investing serious money into custom software development .

low code applications pitfalls

Others won’t let you edit your applications once you stop using the tool. For instance, I’ve heard from IT leaders who used a low-code tool to turn their COBOL programmers into web developers. Rather than hire new employees and teach them the business, they brought modern skills to employees . Once you choose to go with a no-code vendor, support is limited to whatever the subscription model provides. There is also a lack of priority support in such platforms, so any bugs or shutdowns will be entirely dependent on the vendor.

Best Low-Code Development Platforms Pricing For Small Business

Over the last several months, I spoke with developers, engineers, data analysts, CEOs, designers, and marketers about the topic. I’ll share some insights from those conversations with you here. Most no-code platforms are also easy to modify after launch, so it’s possible to create an initial draft of an app and then have the end users test and provide feedback. Those Flow-Chart diagrams are a well established standard called BPMN, and the spreadsheets follow another standard called DMN. So building skills here are useful beyond the application, and resources abound for learning how to use these tools effectively.

Developers may see low-code platforms as their competitors which is why they carry such insecurities. If organizations adopt the low-code/ no-code technologies, the developers may be replaced. When low-code, no-code was first introduced, it was intended to be an evolving format of RAD tools. These are software tools that can develop web applications by the use of minimum hand-coding.

Skipping Checks and Balances During Production

As the platforms get more effective, people can do more and more things with them — therefore the more they will undermine enterprise security. A logic problem that, for instance, permits one user to ascertain data belonging to a different one, or that posts sensitive information to a public location, could cause serious problems for a company. That creates the cloud-based platforms safer than traditional alternatives.

  • That’s why you’ll want to partner with expert developers who can help you avoid the pitfalls.
  • If you can work within certain limitations and avoid some pitfalls, low-code tools can be a great addition to your development toolkit.
  • And with PartnerStack, all of your channels can be managed from a single platform – affiliate, referral, reseller and ambassador.
  • Low-code development platforms have intuitive user interfaces or drag and drop tools, making it far quicker to develop and test an application.
  • What is clear is the more software you use, the more you have to consider the compatibility of all products you use if you want to switch one.
  • Modern low-code software offers the capabilities to truly meet enterprise demands.

This limits the design possibilities for the app and may render a commonplace design that not many users may like to use. Another underrated resource in many low-code/no-code platforms is the ability to integrate seamlessly with other tools and technologies, such as project management tools, CRMs and databases. This makes it easier for businesses to build end-to-end solutions. The rise of citizen development is un-coincidentally correlated with the rise of low-code.

Keep it, Tweak it, Trash it – What to do with Aging Tech in an Era of Consolidation

The newly created product can be developed by the existing functionality of the platform. So the product may not be built from very scratch in the low-code/no-code platforms. Today we have thousands of software tools claiming to be no-code/low-code.

low code applications pitfalls

Process improvement and optimization are often the key focus areas for low-code development. Automation and integration tend to yield rapid ROIs, making low-code an enticing platform for small and large businesses alike. With low-code, you get the cyber-security of an enterprise-level, cloud-based platform. And you have teams regularly updating those security measures to ensure all their customers stay compliant. You can quickly build and customize the applications you need using prefabricated sets of code or integrations . As more organizations look to streamline processes with integrations and automation, the need for people with a background in computer programming grows as well.

Drawbacks of Using No Code for Your Product

No Code platforms were developed to make software development easy for non-coders. People have started experimenting with the development of complex technology like AI with No Code. Some people think it can completely put developers out of work. As the businessess continue to grow their demands and aspirations are also getting diverse. Low-code, no-code platforms for application development are able to cater to the diverse interests of the businessess of today. However, being relatively a new concept the low-code, no-code functionality is surrounded by some confusion and myths.

low code applications pitfalls

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